- Eurydice (2010) Serbia - higher education system overview.. Focus on Higher Education in Europe 2010 - The impact of the Bologna Process, in English
- Ilija Vujačić, Snežana Đorđević, Maja Kovačević, Ivana Šunderić (2010) Country Report: Serbia. Overview of Higher Education and Research Systems in the Western Balkans, in English
Country reports to the Bologna Process Follow-up Group
- (2012) National Report Serbia. in English
- (2009) National Report Serbia. in English
- (2007) National Report Serbia. in English
- (2005) National Report Serbia. in English
Other national studies and reports
- (2012) Strengthening Integrity and Fighting Corruption in Education. OECD, in English
- (2012) Strengthening Integrity and Fighting Corruption in Education. OECD, in Serbian
- (2011) World Data on Education 2010/11. UNESCO IBE, in English
- (2010) A framework of Reform in Governance and Management of Higher Education in Serbia. in English
- (2003) A brief tour through the education system reform in the Republic of Serbia. January 2001 – June 2003 and beyond. in English
- (2002) Report on the Conference: "Education reform in the Republic of Serbia: The first steps and forthcoming challenges" Belgrade, Sava Center, September 5-7 2002. in English
- (2001) Conference report “Perspectives of Education in Serbia” Belgrade, June 2-4. 2001. in English
- (2001) Thematic Review of National Policies for Education – Serbia. OECD, in English