Articles published in international journals
- Poturak, M. (2014) Private universities service quality and students satisfaction. Global Business and Economics Research Journal, 3(2): 33-49, in English
- Georgieva, L, Velkovski, Z., Damovska L. (2014) The role of higher education in fostering inter-cultural dialogue and understanding in a multiethnic Society - the case of the Republic of Macedonia. International Journal of Education and Research, 2(12): 125-136, in English
- Vukasovic, M. (2014) Institutionalisation of internal quality assurance: focusing on institutional work and the significance of disciplinary differences. Quality in Higher Education 20(1): 44-63, in English
- Vukasovic, M. (2014) Universities and Public Contestation during Social and Political Crises: Belgrade University in the 1990s. PS: Political Science & Politics, 47(3): 616-619, in English
- Vukasovic, M. (2014) When and How Does Europe Matter? Higher Education Policy Change in Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. Higher Education Policy 27: 403–423, in English
- (2014) Academic Profession: Challenges of Transformation (complete issue). HERB: Higher Education in Russia and Beyond, 2, in English
- Kuzmanovic, M., Savic, G., Popovic, M., Martic, M. (2013) A new approach to evaluation of university teaching considering heterogeneity of students’ preferences. Higher Education, Volume 66, Issue 2, pp 153-171, in English
- Kogan, I., Matković, T., & Gebel, M. (2013) Helpful friends? Personal contacts and job entry among youths in transformation societies. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Vol. 54, Issue 4, pp. 277-297, in English
- Kume, V, & Damo, Z. (2013) Has the Bologna process improved master's education standards?: Perspectives of Albanian employers . Serbian Journal of Management, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 67-77, in English
- Zgaga, P. (2013) Higher education research and higher education policy in South-East Europe. European Journal of Higher Education, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 280-294, in English
- Laze, J. (2013) The Social Dimension of Higher Education In Albania. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 3(3): 299-308, in English
- Zejneli, I., Shasivari, J., Kareva, V. (2013) The Legal Aspects of Higher Education in the Republic of Macedonia and their Implications on Teaching and Learning. European Scientific Journal, 9(1): 107-118, in English
- Švarc, J., Lažnjak, J. & Perković, J. (2012) Integration of the Western Balkan Countries and Turkey in the Framework Programmes: Some Empirical Evidence. Journal of European Integration, in English
- Matković, T. & Kogan, I. (2012) All or Nothing? The Consequences of Tertiary Education Non-Completion in Croatia and Serbia. European Sociological Review, Volume 28, Issue 6, pp. 755-770, in English
- Qefalia, A. & Totoni, A. (2012) The Correlation Accreditation – Bologna Process – Continuous Quality Improvement Based in Professors’ Perceptions in Albanian Public Universities. Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 260-268, in English
- Pajaziti, A. (2012) Higher Education in Bolognian Way: the Case of Macedonia (SEEU and SUT). Journal of Educational and Instructional Studies in the World 2(2): 24-33, in English
- Vula, E., Saqipi, B., Karaj, T, Mita, N. (2012) Moving towards Practice-Oriented and Research-Based Teacher Education: Challenges of Kosovo and Albania. 3(1): 37-45, in English
- Mulalic, M. (2012) Prospects and Challenges of Private Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Journal of International Social Research, 5(20): 361-371, in English
- Tiplić, D. (2011) Managing Postsocialist Transitions Politicized Sense Making as a Facilitator of Organizational Change. European Education, in English
- Obadić, A. & Aristovnik, A. (2011) Relative Efficiency of Higher Education in Croatia and Slovenia: an international comparison. The Amfiteatru Economic Journal, Volume 13, Issue 30, in English
- Aristovnik, A., & Obadić, A. (2011) The Funding and Efficiency of Higher Education in Croatia and Slovenia: A non-parametric comparison with EU and OECD countries. William Davidson Institute Working Paper Number 1007 , in English
- Perea, E. & Minxhozia, L. (2011) Financing Albanian higher education: growth between the public and private sectors. European Journal of Higher Education, Volume 1, Issue 2-3, pp. 202-219, in English
- Sotirofski, K., Mema, M., Hoti, U. (2011) Social and cultural dimension of the transformation of higher education in Albania. European Scientific Journal, 10: 54-64, in English
- (2011) The Challenges of Education Policy (complete issue). Political Thought, 33, in English
- Xhaferi, B., & Xhaferi, B. (2011) Developing Learner Autonomy in Higher Education in Macedonia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 11: 150–154, in English
- Baćević, J. (2010) Masters or servants? Power and discourse in Serbian higher education reform. Anthropologies of university reform, Volume 18, Issue 1, in English
- Lažetić, P. (2010) Managing the Bologna Process at the European Level: institution and actor dynamics. European Journal of Education, Volume 45, Issue 4, in English
- Smirnov, L. (2008) The Validation of Different Kinds of Knowledge at the Higher Education Level. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 33, Issue 4, in English
- Pekić Quarrie, S. (2007) Student Peer Review as a Tool for Efficiently Achieving Subject‐Specific and Generic Learning Outcomes: Examples in Botany at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 32, Issue 2-3, in English
- Čučković, B. (2006) Serbian Students: Empowered or Disempowered?. European Education, Vol. 38, Issue 1, in English
- Stanković, F. (2006) Entrepreneurialism at the University of Novi Sad. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 31, Issue 2, in English
- Turajlić, S. (2006) Institutional Approaches to Entrepreneurialism at the University of Belgrade. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 31, Issue 2, in English
- Vizek Vidović, V. & Bjeliš, A. (2006) Entrepreneurialism at the University of Zagreb: Managing the Sustainability of Change. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 31, Issue 2, in English
- Čučković, B. (2005) European Integration and the Prospects for Higher Education. Comparing Lithuania and Serbia. European Education, Vol. 37, Issue 3, in English
- Nikolovska, M. (2004) Employment, education, and emigration: the FYR of Macedonia. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 29, Issue 3, in English
- Zindović‐Vukadinović, G. (2004) Serbia and Montenegro: the catalytic effects of higher education. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 29, Issue 3, in English
- Pifat‐Mrzljak, G., Juroš, L. & Vizek‐Vidović, V. (2004) Broad strokes of recovery: the case of Croatia. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 29, Issue 3, in English
- Mema, F. (2004) Albania: vortices of imbalance. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 29, Issue 3, in English
- Vukasović, M. (2003) Student Perspectives on Higher Education as a Factor in the Founding of Knowledge Societies. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 28, Issue 1, in English
- Zgaga, P. (2003) The External Dimension of the Bologna Process: Higher Education in South East Europe and the European Higher Education Area in a Global World Reforming the Universities of South East Europe in View of the Bologna Process. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 28, Issue 3, in English
- Uvalić-Trumbić, S. (2003) Globalization and Opportunities for Development in Higher Education in South East Europe. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 28, Issue 3, in English
- Stanković, F. (2003) Quality Higher Education at the University of Novi Sad. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 28, Issue 3, in English
- Milenković, Z. (2003) The Establishment of Quality Assurance Mechanisms at the University of Nis and Other Systemic Changes in Serbian Higher Education. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 28, Issue 3, in English
- Turajlić, S. (2003) Is Higher Education a Public Good? A View from a Serbian Perspective. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 28, Issue 3, in English
- Spiro, M. (2003) Academic Values and Academic Work in the Era of Globalization: The Case of Albanian Universities. Higher Education in Europe, Volume 28, Issue 3, in English
- Šoljan, N. N. (1991) The Saga of Higher Education in Yugoslavia: Beyond the Myths of a Self-Management Socialist Society. Comparative Education Review, Volum 35, Issue 1, in English