- Ilija Vujačić, Snežana Đorđević, Maja Kovačević, Ivana Šunderić (2013) Country Report: Macedonia. Overview of Higher Education and Research Systems in the Western Balkans, in English
- Eurydice (2010) The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - higher education system overview. Focus on Higher Education in Europe 2010 - The impact of the Bologna Process, in English
Country reports to the Bologna Process Follow-up Group
- (2009) National Report Macedonia. in English
- (2007) National Report Macedonia. in English
- (2005) National Report Macedonia. in English
Other country reports and studies
- (2013) Research in Social Sciences in Macedonia. State-of-Affairs, Challenges and Recommendations for Public Policy Improvements. Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP), in English
- Boskova, N. & Trajanoski, Z. (Eds.) (2013) Analysis of the implementation of the equal opportunities and non-discrimination in regulation and policy documents at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje. in Macedonian
- (2013) Regional research on the perception on corruption in higher education. Младински образовен форум, in Macedonian
- (2011) World Data on Education 2010/11. UNESCO IBE, in English
- (2011) First Aid Kit for Higher Education. A know how guide for student researchers. Youth Educational Forum, in English
- (2011) Mobility of students and academic staff. Analysis of the access to the information of public relevance. Младински образовен форум, in Macedonian
- (2010) ECTS - Reality or Illusion in Higher Education. Analysis of the access to the information of public relevance. Младински образовен форум, in Macedonian
- (2008) The assessment of research capacities in social sciences in Macedonia. Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP), in English
- (2004) Report of an OECD Review: Improving Access and Opportunity: Higher Education in Transition in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. OECD, in English
- (2003) EUA Institutional Evaluation Programme “St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Bitola/Republic of Macedonia . in English
- (2002) Education Policy in Education for Democratic Citizenship and the Management of Diversity in South East Europe – Stocktaking Research Project Country Report: The Republic of Macedonia. in English
- (2002) Private Sector Development in Education in South East Europe – Country report: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. in English
- (2001) Thematic Review of National Policies for Education – FYRoM. OECD, in English